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Common Injuries at Trampoline Parks

Posted on April 16, 2024 in

Trampoline parks, such as Urban Air Adventure Park, with locations across Connecticut, can lead to hours of fun. However, as fun as they are and as exhausted as they get our kids, these types of locations are disasters waiting to happen. Unfortunately, trampolines result in a significant number of severe injuries and fatalities each year across this country, and trampoline parks, despite supposed safety measures, pose major risks.

Trampoline Park Injuries

Some of the most common injuries associated with trampoline parks in Connecticut include:

  • Sprains and fractures. These are among the most frequent injuries at trampoline parks. They often occur when landing improperly from a jump or colliding with another jumper. Ankles and wrists are particularly vulnerable to sprains, while arms and legs can easily fracture if a fall is not properly absorbed.
  • Concussions and other head injuries. Jumpers can suffer head injuries from falling off a trampoline, hitting the trampoline frame, or colliding with another person. These injuries can range from mild concussions to more severe head traumas, emphasizing the importance of supervision and adherence to park safety rules.
  • Back injuries. Landing awkwardly or performing flips and somersaults without proper technique or supervision can lead to back injuries. These injuries can be severe, including herniated discs or even spinal cord injuries, particularly if the spine is compressed or twisted during a fall.
  • Knee ligament injuries. Activities that involve sharp turns and twists, especially during high-energy maneuvers, can strain or tear knee ligaments. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is particularly susceptible in environments like trampoline parks where unpredictable movements are common.
  • Cuts and bruises. These are often minor but common injuries at trampoline parks. They can occur from accidental bumps into other jumpers, falls onto the trampoline springs or frames, or as a result of a misjudged jump or flip.

Visitors to trampoline parks like Urban Air Adventure Park should be aware of these risks and follow all safety guidelines provided by the park to minimize the chance of injury. First-time visitors or those with underlying health conditions should discuss any potential risks with their healthcare providers before participating in trampoline activities.

Importantly, parents and guardians should closely supervise children in these types of environments. Injuries can occur quickly, and even close supervision will not prevent every type of injury from occurring. However, adult supervision can help prevent younger children from taking unnecessary risks in a trampoline park.

Why These Injuries Occur

Trampoline park injuries can occur due to a wide variety of reasons. Yes, sometimes accidents simply happen in these types of settings. However, there is often underlying negligence or carelessness involved, sometimes on the part of staff members. Some common causes of trampoline park injuries include:

  • Understaffing or inadequate staffing. Adequate staffing is critical to ensure that all areas of the park are supervised effectively. Understaffing can lead to insufficient monitoring of activity areas, meaning unsafe behavior or dangerous situations might not be addressed promptly.
  • Lack of safety training. Staff members at trampoline parks should be properly trained not only in the basics of operation but also in safety and emergency procedures. Without comprehensive training, staff may not be able to enforce safety rules effectively or manage accidents effectively when they occur.
  • Lack of enforcement of safety protocols. Even when safety rules are in place, they must be consistently and strictly enforced to be effective. In some cases, rules regarding the number of jumpers per trampoline or the types of allowed maneuvers are not followed, increasing the risk of collisions and falls.
  • Unsafe equipment. Trampoline equipment must be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure safety. Worn or damaged trampoline surfaces, safety netting, or padding can increase the risk of injury. This includes ensuring that the trampoline beds are free of holes and that the springs are adequately covered to prevent pinching or other injuries.
  • Defective equipment. In some cases, equipment failures due to design flaws or manufacturing defects can lead to accidents. Defective trampolines may break during normal use, leading to severe injuries from falls or sudden stops.
  • Improper use by participants. Often, injuries result from jumpers not following park rules, such as performing flips and other stunts without adequate skill or supervision. While this is a behavior issue, parks can mitigate risks through better supervision and clearer communication of rules.

Can Injury Victims Recover Compensation?

Yes, trampoline park injury victims may be able to recover compensation for their losses if another party was responsible for causing the injury. We strongly encourage trampoline park injury victims or their guardians to reach out to a skilled attorney as soon as possible. A personal injury lawyer in Connecticut with experience handling complex injury claims can help guide you and your family through this process toward recovering compensation.

Various types of monetary compensation may be available, including coverage of medical expenses, any lost earnings, out-of-pocket expenses arising due to the incident, and even physical and emotional pain and suffering damages. There is no set amount of compensation paid after a trampoline park injury claim, but there are several factors that can influence total insurance claim payouts or jury verdict awards.

Some factors that influence the total payout include the overall severity of the injury, whether or not an individual is able to work while they recover, how long it takes them to recover, as well as their documented pain and suffering.

Keep Deadlines in Mind

Trampoline park injury victims must keep specific deadlines in mind. The personal injury statute of limitations in Connecticut is two years from the date the injury occurs. This means injury victims have a two-year window with which to file their lawsuit against the alleged negligent party. In many states around the country, the statute of limitations is paused when the victim is a minor. Sometimes, this limit is paused until a minor reaches their 18th birthday. However, Connecticut does not allow for any extensions for minors who sustain injuries. We encourage parents and guardians to begin their claims as soon as possible if their child is harmed at a trampoline park in Connecticut.